Dr Congdon offers in person appointments in the Palo Alto office as well as zoom appointments
When you schedule an initial appointment, Genesee will email you new patient forms to fill out and return to her within 2 business days so Dr. Congdon can review your history before the appointment.
Dr Congdon practices on a fee for service basis, with credit card payment due at the end of each visit.
Cancellations: Patients must provide at least four days calendar day’s notice to either cancel or reschedule a new patient appointment. If less than four days notice is provided, patients will be charged 50% of the full fee for the appointment. We require that all patients have an up-to-date credit card on file.
For more information regarding the types of appointments Dr. Congdon offers, please take a look at the One-On-One Consultation section.
Free Consultation
I offer a complimentary 10-minute phone consultation in advance of your visit. During this phone call we can discuss your symptom history and I can answer any questions you might have about my practice. I really enjoy the opportunity to talk to potential patients before the first visit. It gives me the chance to get to know you a little better, and understand the problems you are facing. It also gives you the opportunity to ask me if your symptoms might fall into the fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome category, and how I could help you. This way you we determine if my services are a match for your needs. Please call the office to schedule the complimentary phone consultation or a regular in-person appointment at (415) 927-0600.
Under Dr. Congdon’s care most patients improve and are much more functional, but occasionally new patients ask about disability. If you believe you may need to be on disability you need to contact your primary care provider (or the doctor who has seen you for the longest time and best knows your condition) to discuss the process. Dr. Congdon does not perform disability exams or fill out disability forms, but you are welcome to use the comprehensive new patient evaluation Dr. Congdon prepares for each new patient as documentation of your condition.